National recognition for The Highland Council’s plan for the future

The Highland Council’s ambitious vision to support the sustainable economic growth of the Highland’s has been commended at a national awards ceremony.

The Highland-wide Local Development Plan received a Commendation at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning in the Quality of Service Category. This year marked the 15th Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning (SAQP) which is one of the Scottish Government's most prestigious events and celebrates achievements in planning, from strategic visions to development on the ground.

The Highland-wide Local Development Plan seeks to deliver new houses, jobs and infrastructure while recognising and protecting the special natural, built and cultural heritage of our area. The Plan was commended as it “embraced the modernised planning system by streamlining all of its different local development plans into one ‘live’ map-based document that supports delivery on the ground.”

Councillor George Farlow, Vice Chair of the Planning, Environment and Development Committee, who collected the commendation with, Malcolm Macleod, Head of Planning said, “The Highland-wide Local Development Plan is a document which has and will continue to deliver sustainable economic growth across Highland. This commendation is an excellent achievement and rewards the hard work which has been put into delivering this ambitious plan which will help to grow and strengthen communities.”

In presenting the award Derek Mackay, Minister for Local Government and Planning said, "I congratulate The Highland Council’s Highland-wide Local Development Plan on their commendation at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning. This is the first year that I have had the pleasure of being involved in the awards, and I was struck by the high number of good quality applications, and the innovation and hard work that has clearly gone into these projects. Such good applications are a testament to the continued hard work of the profession, and how important it is for us to promote, highlight and celebrate success. Given the standard of the competition, the Highland-wide Local Development Plan’s commendation is all the more impressive, and I congratulate everyone involved."

Speaking more generally about the awards Colin Haylock, UK President of the Royal Town Planning Institute said, "Planning is all about creating great places for people. That is why I am delighted that these projects demonstrate how the profession in Scotland constantly strives to use its skills, ingenuity and commitment to make this happen. My wholehearted congratulations go all award winners."

You can view information on the all projects which received awards or commendations at

7 Sep 2012