Highlands First Forest School

These children are taking part in the first Forest School to be run in Highland. The project, run by the Forestry Commission Scotland under the guidance of leader Simon Harry, aims to develop the pupils’ ability to work together as a team through the completion of tasks which require co-operation and compromise while also fostering a responsible attitude to the environment.

The work of the first two weeks has seen each group build their own wind and waterproof shelter using a limited number of tools and materials, using skills taught by the team leader. In later weeks, the groups will be tasked with building a fire, "forest cooking" and creating a sculpture using natural, found objects.

A highlight is sure to be a demonstration of traditional fire-lighting skills from native peoples around the world, held by Malcolm Handoll from the Five Senses project in Orkney.

Class teacher Kevin Cormack said that the project had vastly exceeded his expectations in terms of how much the children had learned and how much they have enjoyed the programme. He added that parents’ views on Forest School had been overwhelmingly positive.

Media Enquiries for Forestry Commission to Diana McGowan, tel: 0131 314 6507; diana.mcgowan@forestry.gsi.gov.uk

For further information about Forest School to Catherine Cantrill, Dornoch Forest District; tel: 01862 810 359; catherine.cantrill@forestry.gsi.gov.uk or visit www.forestry.gov.uk


18 Apr 2006