Presentation Of Gold Duke Of Edinburgh Awards

Kirsty Finlayson attained her Gold Award through the Crown Award Group in Inverness. For her Gold Award she carried out her service as a play care volunteer with children with special needs. For her skill she chose piano. Tennis was her physical recreation. For her residential project she completed a BASI Trainee Ski Instructor course.

Georgina Castro also attained her Gold Award through the Crown Award group in Inverness. For her Gold Award her service was with Blythswood Care as a volunteer, her physical recreation choice of activity was dance and her chosen skill was singing.

Augustin McLean completed his Gold Award through Kingussie High School. For his Gold Award, his service was N.C.O. at the Air Training Corps. Piano was his skill and rugby was his physical recreation. His expedition took place in the Wester Ross Area. Augustin did a Rotary Youth Leadership Award for his residential project.

Convener of The Highland Council, Councillor Alison Magee, who presented the young people with their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards, congratulated them on achieving their Gold Awards in the 50th Anniversary Year of the Awards. She praised them all for their commitment and the effort they had made and then went on to wish them all well for their future.

The Highland Council is a keen supporter and provider of the Award via its schools and youth groups and the last year over 3000 young people in Highland participated in the Award gaining more than 150 awards.


3 Jul 2006