Visit To See Success Of Janny’s Hoose in Merkinch

The Convener of The Highland Council, Alison Magee and Local Councillor Perer Corbett were invited to come along to an open day at the Janny’s Hoose in Merkinch to see how the healthy living centre has developed since it was opened in 2003.

Funded by the New opportunity Fund, NHS Highland and The Highland Council, the converted Janny’s Hoose within the grounds of Merkinch Primary School offers a “one stop shop” for local families to access information, advice and support on all aspects of child and family health.

Since it opened the centre has proved to be a big hit in the community.  A regular mothers and toddlers group meet in one of the rooms and another room is used by visiting health advisors.  Within the drop-in Centre there is space to hold meetings and healthy eating cookery demonstrations led by Dave Rex, Child Health Dietician with NHS Highland.  Other increasing popular session are the smoking cessation classes held on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings for adults who want to stop smoking. 

Manager of the Janny’s Hoose, Jean Mackay said:  “Ever since the Centre opened in 2004 it has become a key meeting place and focus for people in the community.  As well as offering advice and support we have run awareness campaigns on different topics including oral health, nutrition and wellbeing.  The staff and volunteers do an incredible job in making everyone feel welcome.  Our open day and garden party was a chance to highlight all the good work that is going on.

During her visit to the Centre, Highland Council Convener Alison Magee said:  “I am very impressed with the work going on and how the healthy living message is getting through to local families.  The friendly and informal atmosphere encourages people to pop in to talk to staff and to take part in activities and I wish the centre every success.”

Local Councillor Peter Corbett said:  “I’m delighted to see that the Janny’s Hoose is being well used.  It is a great resource for the community and I have no doubt that it will continue to be popular and offering new opportunities for our young people and families.”

3 Jul 2006