Caithness families enjoy Easter fun with The Highland Council Rangers

The Highland Council Ranger programme of events in Caithness kicked off with a family Treasure Hunt at Geise, near Glengolly on Easter Sunday. More than 100 people turned up to take part in the treasure hunt and to enjoy the lovely walking trails at Geise. The paths were created by David and Morag Miller and are opening to the public.  The family’s hunted for eggs of all descriptions and tried to guess the identity of the animal which laid each egg. Everyone was rewarded by their efforts by chocolate eggs at the end of the hunt.

Marina Swanson; East Caithness ranger said: “I was delighted with the great turn out on Sunday. The weather was ideal for a Sunday stroll and the children had great fun hunting down all the eggs.”

On Tuesday Caithness kids had great fun at the Seadrift Visitor Centre in Dunnet at the Easter egg heads event. Each child used paints and various materials to decorate blown eggs. Later they created their very own egg-heads with growing hair, using empty eggshells filled with compost and cress seeds.

On Thursday, five families searched Sandside Beach for skate and ray egg cases(mermaid’s purses) - the ultimate alternative egg hunt! Fourteen common skate egg cases were found and ten dogfish egg cases.

Paul Castle; North Sutherland and North Caithness ranger said: “Skate and ray egg cases can be found all along the Caithness coast but can be difficult to spot and identify. The results from Thursday will help in the conservation effort for these endangered species. Further information about egg cases can be found at the Shark Trust website”.

The event was part of the Caithness Rangers activities for 2013 which can all be found in the Ranger event booklet available now from your local Ranger. Event details can also be found on the new Ranger website at .


8 Apr 2013