Council takes enforcement action on dog fouling and littering in Caithness

TEC Services Enforcement Officers, supported by the dog warden/pest control officers for Caithness and Sutherland will be out and about in the Caithness area from today (Monday 8 April) undertaking patrols in known problem areas to deter and catch irresponsible dog owners and litter louts that risk harm to our communities and countryside through dog fouling, littering and fly tipping.

Anyone caught not clearing up after their dog or who is observed to drop litter or fly-tip waste will be issued with a fixed penalty notice.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s TEC’s committee Councillor Graham  Phillips said:  “It is hoped that this enforcement action will encourage those antisocial members of the community who disregard the law to think again. Any help that the public can provide to assist the Council target these individuals would be most welcome.  The laws are in place to help protect the public and keep the Highlands free from dog fouling, litter and fly tipping.”

Anyone wishing to report those that are not being responsible towards our community and environment can phone 01349 886606 or visit the council service points with details.

8 Apr 2013