Planning Process begins for new Wick Schools and Community Facilities

The £50M Wick project for two new Primary Schools, a new High School, and new Community Facilities, incorporating a replacement Library and swimming pool, due for completion for use in August 2015, takes another step forward this month.

The planning process for major works includes a “Pre-Application Consultation” in which the proposals are shared with the public, so that comments at this stage can be considered by the architects before formal Planning Applications are submitted.

For the Wick Campus, incorporating a new Primary School (amalgamating Pulteneytown Academy Primary and South Primary), a replacement High School, and the new East Caithness Community Facilities (replacing the Library and the Swimming Pool), the public exhibition is due to be held in the Assembly Rooms, Wick on Monday 22nd April from 2pm to 6.30pm.

For the new Primary School replacing Hillhead Primary and North Primary on the north of the River, the exhibition is due to be held in the Assembly Rooms, Wick on Monday 29th April from 2pm to 6.30pm.

At both exhibitions, members of the project team will be in attendance to answer any queries. Members of the public are invited to comment on the proposals there and then, or in writing over the following 14 days – full details available at the exhibition.  In addition, the proposed plans will be available after each meeting on the Council’s website on /learninghere/schools/schoolsbuildingsprogramme/The+Wick+Project.htm

A Council spokesman said:  “People should be aware that no Planning Applications have been submitted at this stage. This is an opportunity for anyone to comment on the current proposals before such applications are made.”


10 Apr 2013