Fort William RC inspection

There was a range of approaches to recognise attainment and achievement and the supportive ethos reflected very positive relationships between staff, pupils and parents. A wide range of appropriate activities was in place to widen pupil achievement.

There was a high standard of pastoral care which included a strong emphasis on health promotion. All staff, teaching and non teaching were sensitive to the social, behavioural and emotional needs of the pupils. The courteous, friendly and very well behaved pupils were enthusiastic and motivated and were positively involved in decision-making through a very effective pupil council. There was a good ecumenical community with the joint involvement of the parish priest and local minister.

The school was judged to be well led with a head teacher, Lilian Macdonald, who was highly regarded by staff, parents and pupils and who actively sought the views of all stakeholders about the quality of education in the school. The standard of work required of pupils was clearly disseminated to both staff and parents. She had improved aspects of communication and pastoral care, and had further developed a range of approaches to monitoring and evaluating the work of the school.

Child protection procedures were well developed and understood by both teaching and support staff.

The quality of accommodation was described as weak. Despite significant and sustained improvements to the fabric of the school by the authority, the access at the rear of the building was judged to be steep and hazardous.

There were recommendations for the school which included addressing pace and challenge in order to continue to improve attainment in English Language, Gaelic Language and Mathematics. Linked to this should be more effective use of assessment information to improve the system of tracking pupil progress.

Miss Macdonald said: "I am pleased that Her Majesty's Inspectors have recognised the inclusive nature of the school and the genuine commitment of parents, pupils and staff to creating a mutually supportive educational community. "

School Board Chair Mrs Flora McKee, said: "On behalf of the School Board I would like to thank the Head Teacher and all the staff for their hard work and commitment to the school. I am especially pleased that the report has highlighted the positive ethos within the school, which is due to the high level of pastoral care. This, positive environment provides a sound and secure basis for the continued development and success of the school in the future. Last but not least I would like to convey my thanks to the pupils for their behaviour during this visit -as always -a credit to parents and teachers.

Councillor Brian Murphy said: "I am pleased that the report recognises the leadership of the head teacher and her staff. I have the highest regard for Lilian Macdonald and the dedication and professionalism with which she approaches her job. I have always noted the politeness and good manners of the pupils on the occasions when I have visited the school. I am sure the issues identified within the report will be dealt with".

Note: The primary school has 154 pupils, 71 of whom are taught in the Gaelic Medium Unit.


19 Apr 2006