The Highland Seashore Roadshow rolls into Skye

A fun packed day of seaside adventures, exploring and games will be on offer on 10th August on the Isle of Skye courtesy of The Highland Seashore Project, together with The Highland Council Countryside Ranger Service and Skye and Lochalsh Environment Forum.

The event takes place at Broadford Hall, between 11am and 5pm. It is the fourth of six roadshows across the Highlands this summer and will celebrate the diverse seashore of Broadford Bay which is well known for its wading birds, rock pools full of life and views over to Applecross and beyond.  It is free and everyone is welcome to attend.

The day kicks off at 11.00am with an hour-long cooking workshop using sustainable food from the sea, with well-known and critically acclaimed chef of the Harbour Restaurant in Broadford, Cristina Hermoso Escalas. Cristina said: “I see so many beautifully caught fish and shell fish come out of local waters and be shipped abroad. We need to appreciate how rich our seas are and how varied our home based menus could be”. Places are limited for the workshop, so please book in advance.  

There will be lots of fun and educational activities for young children. Well-known story teller Bob Pegg will also be in attendance, weaving seashore tales throughout the afternoon, with music and magic, every hour. At 12 noon, Janet and Jenny from the Highland Seashore Project will be running a Seashore puppet story workshop for wee beach combers, with Eddy Edible crab and friends.

Members of the Skye and Lochalsh Environment Forum will be on hand to help people get up close and personal with the seashore life. There will also be a seashore discovery table, and from 3pm ecologist James Merryweather will be running a rock pool safari to Broadford Bay.

Throughout the day there will be displays and activities inside Broadford hall:

Outside, the local artist and carpenter Beads will be creating a Sea Loch Monster from sand and beach materials, and will looking for volunteers to help complete it. There will also be a Flotsam and Jetsam Competition, challenging people to find the most weird and wonderful wreckage materials from Broadford bay. There will be prizes for the best and most surprising.

Highland Seashore Project Co-ordinator Janet Ullman said: “This is the fourth roadshow in a series of six family orientated events this year. The events so far have gone really well and attendees have really enjoyed them. I’m sure this one will be a success too. A big thank you to the Broadford Hall Committee and the Broadford and Strath and Community Company for all their help in hosting and organising this event.

“The Highland Seashore Project aims to encourage local people to discover the magnificent coastlines the Highlands possess and about the wide variety of life that clings to those shores. We are already thinking about events for next year, so if you or your community want to get something happening at your local coast give me a call.”

The event is run by the Highland Seashore Project, launched in February 2013. This project is run by The Highland Biodiversity Partnership and has been funded by the Highland Council, the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Crown Estate Marine Stewardship Fund and Scottish Natural Heritage.

The project aims to encourage improved understanding and appreciation of the Highlands’ delicate seashores and the life that depends upon them. It is therefore working with the Highland Council Countryside Rangers and local community groups to bring coastal Roadshows full of family fun to venues all around the Highlands.

Each Roadshow will be different, based on the enthusiasm of local people and the spectacular nature of the coasts themselves. One thing they all have in common, however, is a love of the seashore and a bumper programme of activities for all ages. 

To find out more about the Broadford event, please email, or call the Countryside Rangers on 01687 462983.

There is limited parking at Broadford Hall, but the main Visitor Car Park for Broadford is a short distance from the hall.

There will be two more Roadshows following the Broadford Bay event:

For more details please go to or the Facebook Page at Highland Seashore Biodiversity Project.


2 Aug 2013