Inverness households to receive introductory leaflet on new food waste service

Households in Inverness will shortly receive an introductory leaflet outlining the new Highland Council food waste collections which start at the end of September. The leaflet, to be delivered by post to every participating household, explains the new service, outlines why it is being introduced and details the benefits, both to the environment and the householder.

The Scottish Government requires all local authorities to commence collecting food waste separately from other household waste in ‘non-rural’ areas. Within The Highland Council area this only applies to Inverness - there are presently no plans to extend the service to other towns in the Highlands. 

Removing food from general waste reduces methane emissions, responsible for climate change. Furthermore, refuse bins will be cleaner, less smelly and less full.
The new collections will accept all food waste, including meat and fish bones, except liquids or oils and the material collected will be processed to produce a nutrient rich fertilizer.

Funding and support for this new service has been provided by Zero Waste Scotland. Chairman of TEC Services, Councillor Graham Phillip, said: “As well as ensuring the Council meets its obligations under new Scottish government legislation, the new service will benefit both the environment and householders. It will further reduce waste sent to landfill and help householders to manage their refuse bin. I am confident the new service will be a great success once householders have adjusted to the idea.”

He added: “Separating out food waste will also highlight to many households just how much food they throw away. If they act on this they could well save themselves a lot of money.”

During September the Waste Awareness Team will be holding a number of roadshows around the city to promote the new service and answer any queries.
The service is due to be extended to flatted properties in Inverness between October 2013 and January 2014.

Further information about the service is available by contacting The Highland Council’s Waste Awareness Team with TEC Services on 01349 886603 or emailing or by visiting

For information on reducing your food waste – and saving money – visit The Highland Council’s website or

5 Aug 2013