Inverness West Link update

The Highland Council has listened to comments made by sporting groups and individual members of the public in updating plans for two major projects to the west of Inverness.  Over 500 people attended consultation events held in April and May.

The Council has been reviewing its plans for the Inverness West Link scheme as well as the Sports Hub/Torvean Golf Course following a major consultation with the public.  Progress will be reported in the first instance to the City of Inverness Area Committee on Monday 12 August.  The Torvean and Ness-side Development Brief will also be considered at the same meeting.

Regarding the West Link, the Council has embraced comments from walkers and cyclists and has included additional features within the design.   These changes are considered highly beneficial to the scheme but are not deemed significant enough to require further consultation.

Changes will be presented to the next full council meeting on Thursday 5 September for approval, paving the way for early submission of a planning application for the road.

Enhancements made to the Sports Hub/Golf Course and its boundaries following feedback from the public are deemed significant enough to require a new 12-week period of consultation with the public.  The development brief has been changed to incorporate:

It is proposed to seek planning permission for the Sports Hub/Golf Course in mid-November, with consideration of the application expected by March 2014.

The Council is eager to stress that the revised timescale for presenting the planning applications should not affect the proposed start date of the West Link of 2015.

At the meeting of The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Area Committee on Monday 12 August, members will be asked to:

Council Leader Drew Hendry said: “We have responded very positively to comments made by the public to the Inverness West Link consultations and the sports hub/golf course realignment.  I am confident the public will be pleased with what we have taken on board. 

“The boundaries to the sports hub proposals have been changed to accommodate the responses to our consultation and this is why we need to go back out for a further period of consultation on this element.

“The important factor is that this will not delay the start date for the new road in 2015.”


5 Aug 2013