Councillor backs campaign for public to stop feeding seagulls

Highland Councillor Graham Phillips has highlighted the continuing nuisance presented by seagulls nesting in urban areas and is urging the public not to leave food out for the gulls as part of a campaign to raise awareness of the problem.

The Chairman of The Highland Council’s TEC Services Committee spoke of the various problems that the gulls present, going far beyond their swooping down on people and pets.  These include droppings fouling washing, gardens, cars and people, damage to buildings from gulls picking at roofing materials and their nests blocking gutters and gas flues with potentially fatal consequences for building occupants.

He said: “I've seen a gull take a chip right out someone's mouth as they were eating fish and chips outside at the harbourside. The person suffered a severe gash to their face that required emergency hospital treatment.

“There is no easy answer to the problem however, gulls are very opportunistic scavengers and will take advantage of any food scraps that we humans leave lying around from take-aways or overflowing bins. What is still worse is when people deliberately feed them, whether in the street, parks or in their gardens so we are in the process of putting notices on all our public litter bins in appropriate locations requesting people not to feed gulls.

“The Council recognises the misery gulls can cause, especially throughout the nesting season. As part of our campaign we are particular asking people and local businesses to ensure that litter and other food waste is properly stored in closed bins and asking that everyone be discouraged from feeding gulls either at home or in other open spaces.”

Further guidance on seagull control is available on the Highland Council website at:  This includes information and advice on gulls and the law; problems caused by gulls; the controlling of gulls; deterrent measures; and education about gulls.

For more information please call 01349 886603, email or visit


12 Aug 2013