The Highland Seashore Roadshow rolls into Dunnet Bay

The Highland Seashore Roadshow will be at Dunnet Bay in Caithness next Saturday (24th August). It will feature adventures, exploring and games including a theatre workshop, free surf lessons and a fishing competition.

The event is being run by The Highland Seashore Project, in conjunction with The Highland Council Countryside Rangers and the Caithness Science Festival. It will take place at the Sea Drift Centre at Dunnet Bay. It is free and open to all. 

The preliminary timetable for events is:

Project Co-ordinator Janet Ullman said: “This is the fifth Roadshow in a series of six family orientated events this year. The Highland Seashore Project aims to encourage local people to discover the magnificent coastlines the Highlands possess and learn about the wide variety of life that clings to those shores.  We are already thinking about events for next year, so if you or your community want to get something happening at your local coast give me a call.

“We have had a great start to the project with lots of support and local enthusiasm.  The Highland Council Countryside Rangers have been vital to the Roadshows, they have been brilliant partners getting the Roadshows together with the Seashore Project, using their numerous skills and knowledge of local coasts. Contributions from our project partners, show how much important work is being done to show how our coasts and wildlife is being protected and we are grateful for their part in the project.”

The Roadshow starts at 11am, finishing at 5pm. Access is from the A836. To find out more please email:, or call the Highland Ranger Service on 01847 821531.

The event is run by the Highland Seashore Project, launched in February 2013. This project is run by The Highland Biodiversity Partnership and has been funded by The Highland Council, the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Crown Estate Marine Stewardship Fund and Scottish Natural Heritage.

The project aims to encourage improved understanding and appreciation of the Highlands’ delicate seashores and the life that depends upon them. It is therefore working with The Highland Council Countryside Rangers and local community groups to bring coastal Roadshows full of family fun to venues all around the Highlands.

Each Roadshow will be different, based on the enthusiasm of local people and the spectacular nature of the coasts themselves. One thing they all have in common, however, is a love of the seashore and a bumper programme of activities for all ages. 

Due to the success of the previous Roadshows, the project has added another one to its programme. There are two Roadshows left this year:
● 7th September, Laide, Wester-Ross.
● One to be announced in East Sutherland.

For more details please go to or the Facebook Page at Highland Seashore Biodiversity Project.


14 Aug 2013