Highland Council moves to ensure vital European funding.

Members of The Highland Council’s Planning, Environment and Development (PED) Committee have agreed the Council’s response to the Scottish Government’s first stage consultation on the Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) for 2014 – 2020.

The Council anticipates a more detailed second stage consultation in the autumn 2013 from the Scottish Government. Members of the Council’s PED Committee will have an opportunity to contribute further on the shaping of the 2014 – 2020 SRDP.

Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Drew Hendry said: “We have to continuously engage with the European Union to ensure that they understand our unique needs for flexibility. Getting it wrong could cost us 10’s of millions of pounds. Getting it right could be a massive boost to the economy and to Highland communities. This affects our villages and towns across our entire region and has a direct impact on jobs and our ability to maintain and develop our economy.

“The Highland Council is determined to make sure that we are stating our case directly with Europe with the Scottish Government and UK Government and through Cosla along with our partners in the Highlands & Islands European Partnership to make sure that opportunities are gained and not lost.”

Council Leader Hendry is Chair of the Highlands and Islands European Partnership; Sole UK representative to the European Union Political Bureau of the Committee of the Regions; and he also represents COSLA on the Council of the European Municipalities and Regions.

14 Aug 2013