Council welcomes progress on Strengthening Communities Project in Badenoch and Strathspey.

Progress on a project which aims to make Badenoch and Strathspey communities become more self-sustaining and successful was welcomed today by members of The Highland Council’s Nairn and Badenoch and Strathspey Area Committee.

Leader of the Nairn and Badenoch and Strathspey Area committee, Councillor Liz MacDonald and members welcomed the headway that has been made on the Strengthening Communities Projects since it started in April 2012, she said: “It is obvious from the report to committee the essential part the Project Manager plays in driving things forward and building close working arrangements across the voluntary and public sectors to deliver on positive working relationships of the ‘Team Town’ initiative.”

Members were informed that the Strengthening Communities Project has successfully delivered 30 training workshops locally to 560 people on a variety of topics including: governance, project management; finance, funding and income generation; leadership skills, sustainability of assets, social media, business planning, income generation, and becoming an employer.

The project has also created 3 new community development companies and 7 ‘Team Towns’ which are led by communities to enhance community assets, and to achieve a greater resilience for the future and develop effective community-led planning.

A part time Community Development Manager post has been created to support communities to carry forward actions identified through ‘Team Towns’.

The three year project (2012-2015) is jointly funded by the European Social Fund, Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA), Robertson Trust and The Highland Council. It is supported at a local level by Highland Council Members and Ward Manager, the CNPA Planning and Rural Development Directorate, and the Cairngorms Business Partnership.

Further updates on the Strengthening Communities Project will be reported back to a future meeting of the Area Committee.

3 Dec 2013