New head teacher for Alness Academy

The new head teacher of Alness Academy is Laura Gordon, the depute head teacher at Dingwall Academy.

Ms Gordon will take over at the helm of the 470-pupil school from Ken MacIver, who retires on 5 January 2014.

Ms Gordon began her teaching career at Dingwall Academy as a teacher of chemistry. She went on to teach at Lochgilphead High School as an assistant principal teacher of chemistry and Glenrothes High School as a principal teacher of chemistry.

After a spell as a qualification development consultant with the Scottish Qualification Authority, Ms Gordon moved to Dingwall Academy as depute head teacher in October 2010.

She said: “I am delighted to be taking up this new job.  I look forward to working with the school community.  Alness academy is a fantastic school and I aim to build on its significant achievements.”


3 Dec 2013