Pioneering partnership recognised by Scottish Finance Committee

The Highland Council and NHS Highland have warmly welcomed recognition of their pioneering partnership working on preventative care by the Chairman of the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee, Kenneth Gibson, MSP.

Mr Gibson noted that the Council and NHS Highland were leading the way in Scotland in delivering better results for the public by switching the emphasis of spending to prevention, tackling issues before they become a problem.

Mr Gibson said: “In terms of preventative spend, we recognise it is a challenging fiscal environment and welcome the example set by Highland Council and NHS Highland where there is real evidence of the necessary cultural and structural change in the way public services are delivered.”

Council Leader Drew Hendry said the Council was pleased to be invited to join with NHS Highland to give evidence to the Finance Committee, particularly in relation to the funding of preventative action to improve outcomes for people. 

He said: “We welcome the acknowledgement of this significant initiative in the Committee’s report.  We very much agree that this work is integral to the reform of public services, and that is why we continue to take forward the integration of services for older people and for children.”

Councillor Alasdair Christie, Chair, Adult and Children’s Services, said: ”Demographic and social pressures, along with the economic downturn, are creating greater demands on public services.  Preventative measures, which involve early interventions to prevent problems escalating, therefore make good sense – and they are cost effective.  That is why Highland Council is investing an additional £3m every year in services to support older people and young children, and to address deprivation.”

Garry Coutts, Chair of NHS Highland, said: "I am delighted that our groundbreaking work in the Highlands has been recognised nationally. There are already numerous examples of services getting better because of integration and we are only at the very early stages of our planned improvement programme.
"This is a long term project but I remain as confident today as I was 18 months ago when both the council and board unanimously signed up for integration that this is the right way forward."



9 Dec 2013