Spòrs Nollaig – Gaelic Christmas Fun in the Fort!

Leugh sa Ghaidhlig

A successful fun filled Christmas event, ‘Spòrs Nollaig’, took place on Saturday morning in St Andrew’s Church Hall, Fort William. Christmas crafts and music were enjoyed by parents and toddlers from Gaelic groups in the Fort William, Roybridge and Ardgour areas.

The event gave parents who are considering Gaelic Medium Education, the opportunity to come together and enjoy Christmas fun and games while at the same time discovering the benefits of bilingualism.

Parents had the opportunity to view resources produced by organisations including The Highland Council. The Council and Bòrd na Gàidhlig organised the event and Officials from both organisations were present at the event to give advice to parents on Gaelic Medium Education.

The children participated in many fun activities including festive songs and games, refreshments and home-baking were also available.

Councillor Hamish Fraser, Chairman of the Council’s Gaelic Implementation Group said: “I’m delighted that the Spòrs Nollaig, event was such a success as it is important that parents have the opportunity to find out about the benefits of bilingualism through Gaelic Medium Education, and be informed of the support and the resources that are available for parents, both to assist children with homework and to learn Gaelic.”

10 Dec 2013