Skye, Ross & Cromarty Area Committee welcomes Council bid for funding for Tain Charrette

Members of the Skye, Ross and Cromarty Area Committee have welcomed The Highland Council’s bid for funding from the Scottish Government to run a mini-charrette (interactive design workshops) in Tain to focus on regeneration in and around the town centre.

The emerging proposals for the way services are provided in the town, including health and education services and facilities, will bring opportunities to consider improvements and possible new uses for vacant or under-used buildings in the town centre.  The overall aim will be to support the regeneration and renewal of the town centre and the future development of the town as a whole.

Leader of the Area Committee Councillor Hamish Fraser said: “The whole Committee was very supportive of this application and gave the commitment to take forward the work to run a charrette focusing on the regeneration of Tain town centre should the bid be successful.  I hope we do get the funding as it is important that we do all we can to help local shops and businesses and create vibrant town centres that folk want to spend and enjoy their time.”

The bid is for £20,000 and if successful the Council will contribute £15,000 of its own funding towards running the charrettes which will bring together a specialist team of architects, urban designers and community planners to work with the local community to create a masterplan for the town centre.

The Council also submitted bids to run charrettes in Nairn and Fort William and will find out if their bid has been successful by the end of January 2014.

16 Dec 2013