Interim Election of Holm Community Council, Inverness

Residents in the Holm area of Inverness are being encouraged to bolster the ranks of the Community Council.  An interim election is taking place to fill the four vacant positions from a total membership of nine.

The deadline for completed nomination forms, which should be sent or handed in to Inverness Town House, is 4 p.m. on 20 February.  The Highland Council administers the interim election.  The Council will accept e-mailed copies of the nomination, so long as it has been correctly completed and contains the signature of the candidate and witness. The contact e-mail address is

If four or fewer nominations are received the election is deemed uncontested and the new Members simply join the Community Council at the next scheduled meeting.   More than four candidates will mean that ballot papers have to be issued and an election held in March.

Chairman Andy Maxtone is keen to flag up the positive impact that the Community Council makes. He said: “The Community Council does a great deal of work on behalf of the Holm community. I’d wholeheartedly encourage local people to become involved.”

Anyone who wishes to be nominated has to live in Holm.  He or she has to be registered in the current Electoral Register for the Holm Community Council area.  A young person of 16 or 17 years old, as an alternative, has to have completed a Voter Registration application.

The nomination process is straightforward. Potential candidates complete the nomination form then the form has to be signed by a candidate and a witness.

All of the relevant forms and further information about Community Councils are available from the Councils Service Point and can be downloaded from the Highland Council web site or requested by e-mail to

7 Feb 2013