Dingwall Academy to Host Wildlife Volunteers

A host of wildlife volunteers from across Easter Ross and the Highlands will converge on Dingwall Academy next Wednesday evening (20 February).

This event, which is organised by the Easter Ross Biodiversity Group, aims to raise awareness of biodiversity and opportunities to get involved in local projects that help protect wildlife and restore habitats.

Group Chairman and keen Highland-based Naturalist and Writer, Dr Kenny Taylor, said: “We are delighted in this ‘Year of Natural Scotland’ to showcase some of the excellent projects that are taking place across Easter Ross and the Black Isle.  Everyone is busy and feeling the financial squeeze these days, so it is really inspiring to find out about people that are so passionate about their local environments that they want to give something back.”

He continued: “This promises to be a very interesting and entertaining evening.  We have presentations from groups that are working to find out about and record the nature on their doorstep,and from others that are working to improve habitats for wildlife by planting trees, managing wildflower meadows, or removing invasive non-native species.  We even have a musical interlude with a didgeridoo made from timber hewn from Milton Wood.”

The event is funded by the Highland Leader Programme (2007-13), Scottish Natural Heritage, Highland Council and RSPB Scotland.  A similar event was held in Strathpeffer in May 2011, and if it is successful the Easter Ross Biodiversity Group hope to make it an annual occurrence.

The event is in Dingwall Academy from 7.00 – 9.30pm.  Everyone is welcome and admission is free.  For further information contact The Highland Council Ranger Martin Hind on (01349) 868563 or Biodiversity Officer Janet Bromham on (01463) 702274.

11 Feb 2013