Public sector bodies and housing associations invited to clue-up on Renewable Heat Incentive, reduce carbon emissions and cut costs

Issued by Forestry Commission Scotland

A free seminar on 4 March 2013 is set to show Scotland's public sector how switching to renewable woodfuel heating can help them to cut heating costs and reduce their carbon emissions.

The seminar will promote the Biomass Energy Supply Framework, developed by Scottish Government’s procurement team, that will give organisations such as local authorities, registered social landlords, and other public bodies the chance to work with thoroughly vetted suppliers to switch to biomass.

As well as contributing towards Scotland’s renewable heat target, it will also allow those organisations to make savings of thousands of pounds on their heating bills and realise revenue streams by applying for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) subsidy which provides a guaranteed index linked payment over 20 years.

Cameron Maxwell, Business Development Advisor with Forestry Commission Scotland said:  "Public bodies in Scotland are increasing looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and their energy bills from heating. Woodfuel is a local, sustainable solution to deliver low carbon heat.

"The seminar will show how organisations can make the switch to woodfuel heating, and will look at the wood-fuel supply chain, opportunities for partnership working and the important elements of planning, financing and installing wood-fuel projects.

“The increasing demand for biomass heat in the public sector also provides significant economic growth opportunities for businesses throughout the supply chain, particularly biomass system installers, wood fuel suppliers and forest owners.
The seminar will be a great networking opportunity and it makes good business sense to attend.”

The all day seminar – to be held on Monday 4 March at Stirling Management Centre – is free and open to all but places are limited and booking is required.

The event is being organised by Rural Development Initiatives on behalf of Forestry Commission Scotland and in association with Scottish Regional Woodfuel Forums, Scottish Procurement and the Woodfuel Suppliers Group.

For further information and to book please go to and click on News, Events and Woodfuel Forums, alternatively contact or (07919 263 190)

14 Feb 2013