River Ness Flood Scheme: pedestrians and cyclists advised of pathway closure.

Pedestrians and cyclists are advised that the riverside footway between the Bowling Club in Riverside Street and Glebe Street, Inverness, will be closed from late today (Friday 15th February), re-opening late Friday 22 February.

This closure is because of unforeseen difficulties encountered by the Contractor on the River Ness Flood Alleviation Scheme due to the severely restricted working space underneath Friars Bridge.

An alternative route for those walking or cycling into Inverness is to exit Riverside Street, cross the carriageway at the Pelican crossing at Shore Street roundabout, continue the short distance up Chapel Street turning right into Glebe Street.  There is access for pedestrians and cyclists through the works at the bottom of Glebe Street onto Douglas Row re-joining the riverside.

15 Feb 2013