Mid Ross Partnership update

The new Mid Ross District Partnership met for the first time on Friday 8th February.  This Partnership has been formed as part of the new arrangements under the Planning for Integration partnership between NHS Highland and The Highland Council. 

The meeting was chaired by NHS Highland Board Member Sarah Wedgwood, who said: "District Partnerships are a very important part of the new arrangements supporting integration - they are a way of connecting with local people about local issues, hearing about what we can do to improve services from the people who use them and gathering new ideas about how to make things better.  I am very excited about this opportunity to be involved but I would make the point that we need local groups, voluntary bodies and people who use services to come along and take raise their issues".

There was a lively discussion on a range of topics including Out of Hours medical cover, patient transport, integration of early years provision and services for older adults.

Angus McWilliam of Avoch Community Council was one of the members of the public who attended.  Angus commented: "I was impressed by the way the  members of the Partnership left professional and departmental prejudices at the door and engaged in searching discussion aimed at identifying where integration was delivering better services, and if it was not ,why." 
The next meeting of the Partnership will be in early May when amongst other topics, briefings will be given on Patient Transport and Family Nurse Partnerships.

19 Feb 2013