New Year cycling boost

The Leader of The Highland Council Councillor Drew Hendry has welcomed news that £3 million is to be spent on National Cycle Network Route 78 between Oban and Inverness.

The money is part of an additional £21million investment in transport being made by the Scottish Government and will go towards encouraging more people in Scotland to move from four wheels to two.

It will help fast track the delivery of what is expected to become one of Scotland’s most picturesque cycling tourist routes, as well as bringing together remote communities, offering better cycle access to train stations and improving bike parking at schools.

Transport Minister Keith Brown said: “2012 has been a fantastic year for cycling in Scotland with our Olympic successes and this has led to a huge surge in interest in cycling both for recreation and as a way of getting around.

“In the Highlands and Argyll & Bute, we are committing £3million to fast track the National Cycle Network route 78 between Oban and Inverness.

“The £2.6million Corran Ferry to Inverness section will be managed by Transport Scotland in partnership with Highland Council and will deliver much-needed safe cycle routes linking remote communities and taking cyclists off the trunk road network by 2015.

“The Great Glen cycle path will be an iconic route which will boost the local economy through the additional tourism in an area which already attracts over 20,000 spectators to the World Mountain Bike Championship each year in Fort William.

“We are also committing £400,000 for the Oban to Appin cycle route to link a remote community off the main Oban to Fort William section of the larger route.”

Councillor Hendry said: “This is yet more good news for the Highlands and proves that planning ahead for shovel ready opportunities is really paying off. Cyclists will be pleased that such sums are being spent and that the iconic Greater Glen Way is being given such priority. This will certainly boost our tourism opportunities enormously and I am sure it will help local businesses and the promotion of healthier living across our region.”


3 Jan 2013