Opportunities for local contractors to renew existing applications or apply for construction works with Highland Council.

The Highland Council is currently in the process of renewing and reviewing its Contractors Framework agreement, which may be used by Services within the Council for selecting contractors to carry out construction works covering reactive day to day repairs, general maintenance works and minor projects up to the value of £50,000.

The framework agreement has now reached a six monthly interval and is being re-opened and re-advertised thus providing the opportunity for existing contractors to update their information where necessary and for new contractors to apply.

Contractors who are not on the Council’s current framework are being invited to apply to join the Council’s new framework. Any renewed or new submission must be submitted before 12 Noon on 29 January 2013.

The current framework agreement will expire on the 3 March 2013. The new agreement, which will commence on the 4 March 2013, will cover a three year programme of work but will be re-opened and re-advertised at six monthly intervals to provide the opportunity for new contractors to apply.

Existing framework contractors that are content with their existing submissions need do nothing more (unless they wish to provide updates) – as their inclusion will continue with their current status and information.

New contractors to the framework should download or obtain a copy of the “Supplier Appraisal Questionnaire”, complete the required information as instructed and submit the completed form. Supplier Appraisal Questionnaires for the new contractors’ framework can be made in the following ways:

Further details of the terms and conditions (which will be updated) can be found at http://www.highland.gov.uk/framework.htm.

For information or queries please contact David McIntosh, Business Support Officer by telephone on 01463 702219 or e-mail: david.mcintosh@highland.gov.uk

8 Jan 2013