Glenmorie Wind Farm determination postponed

Highland Council members of the North Planning Applications Committee (PAC) will undertake a site visit to the proposed area of the Glenmorie Wind Farm development on Monday 14 January.

Members attending the site visit will now, however, make their decision on this application during the North PAC meeting scheduled for 12 February 2013, which will meet at Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road Inverness, commencing at 10.30am.

The application which was previously to be discussed at the North PAC meeting on 15 January at Council Headquarters in Inverness, has had to be postponed due to the unforeseen unavailability of the Council’s Planning Case Officer.

Agendas for the North PAC meetings are published on the Council’s website at:
/yourcouncil/committees/npac-comms/. The committee proceedings will be web cast live via the Highland Council website at

9 Jan 2013