Highland Council winter road condition reports for 16 January 2013.

The Highland Council’s snow clearing / gritting route policies and area maps are online for 2012/13 at http://www.highland.gov.uk/gritting.htm.

Road condition and gritting treatment reports by The Highland Council’s, Transport, Environmental and Community Services for the morning of Wednesday 16 January 2013 are as follows:

Skye and Lochalsh
All routes being treated for patchy ice and light snow covering. No problems reported on main routes. Posted: 16/01/2013 10:08

North Sutherland and Caithness
Frosty stretches and icy patches on most routes, treating in priority order. Posted: 16/01/2013 09:17

Mixture of frost and ice across the area, most priority routes part treated. Posted: 16/01/2013 08:47

Frosty stretches, treating routes as required. Posted: 16/01/2013 08:40

South Sutherland and East Ross 
A mixture of dry roads with icy patches and hard frost. All roads treated by priority. Posted: 16/01/2013 08:35

Badenoch and Strathspey
Frosty patches, frozen slush and hard packed snow affecting most of the area. Treating all routes and footways by priority. Posted: 16/01/2013 08:16

Mid and West Ross
Icy / frosty patches on untreated surfaces or where standing water is on roads. Some light snow showers in west but none lying so far. All routes being patrolled and treated as necessary.  Posted: 16/01/2013 07:43

Low roads damp, frozen slush / hard packed snow on some high roads, roads being gritted as required. Posted: 16/01/2013 07:14


16 Jan 2013