Two communities successful in bid for Council’s Challenge Fund

Two Highland groups have responded to The Highland Council’s ‘Community Challenge’ and will be providing enhanced services for their communities at no greater cost than the present Council-run provision.

Kyle and Lochalsh Community Trust and Fort Augustus Community Company are the first two organisations in the Highlands to benefit through applications to the Council’s Community Challenge Fund.

Kyle and Lochalsh Community Trust are to take over the running of their local public toilets and the pontoons at Kyle. The Trust plans to apply for grant aid to support investment in the toilets and shower facilities as well as the existing pontoon. Income from these facilities will now go to the Trust and it will be their responsibility to meet any additional costs.

Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston Community Company wish to take over street cleaning and grounds maintenance within the community.  The company will be making an equivalent investment to provide a higher level of service than currently provided by employing two village officers to undertake the work which will include all grounds maintenance including the management of shrubs and flower beds.  The Council will provide access to equipment and the responsibility for the public toilet will remain with the current external contractor.

The Council launched its new Fund in January, providing up to £1 million each year of recurring spending for community projects exploring new ways of delivering services at a local level.

Councillor David Alston, Depute Leader of the Council and Chairman of the Community Challenge Fund Panel, said: “I believe that the response we have had since we launched the fund gives us a clear message that many communities are keen to have more involvement in how local services are provided. I am excited, but not surprised, by the creative approach of these two groups and look forward to further initiatives from across the Highlands.”

The deadline for the next round of bids is 1 August.

Information about the Community Challenge Fund can be found here.

The Council’s network of Ward Managers will be the first point of contact to groups considering bidding into the fund to promote a local project.


1 Jul 2013