Floral tributes welcome visitors to Inverness

Visitors to Inverness this summer, including those attending the Aberdeen Asset Management Scottish Open at Castle Stuart (11th-14 July) and the Inverness Highland Games (Northern Meeting Park 20 July) will be welcomed by a wonderful floral display in Inverness city centre. 

There are 730 floral troughs and baskets displayed on shops, offices and landmarks such as the Town House and the River Ness bridges.  The £50,000 project is funded jointly by the Inverness Common Good Fund and Inverness BID with the flowers grown at The Highland Council’s Bught Nursery.

Inverness Provost, Councillor Alex Graham said “Once again, the city centre is looking great thanks to the excellent display of floral tributes throughout the city. The Council very much appreciates the work undertaken by Pat Veitch and Margaret Donald of BID on the displays which provide a wonderfully colourful welcome to visitors as well as brightening up the city for residents.”

Mike Smith, Inverness BID Manager said: “Pat and Margaret deserve all the credit for arranging the floral displays.  For more than a decade they have done a great job on this project which we know this is greatly appreciated by visitors and locals alike.  Pat has been awarded the British Empire Medal for voluntary services to her local community in Drumnadrochit so its great she finds time to work with BID administrator, Margaret in ensuring that we have these wonderful tributes which will remain on display until mid October.”

Pat Veitch said: ""I remember the very first pioneering floral displays on some of the business premises in Castle Street and part of the High Street.  This was the beginning of the floral streetscape of Inverness, which grew and grew each year as the businesses came aboard and supported the floral partnership with Highland Council and the Inverness Project.  So, now, we have our beautiful floral displays all over the City and as such they brighten up everywhere and engender a lovely "feel good" factor among residents and visitors alike."

1 Jul 2013