Orchids galore in Newtonmore

On Friday (5 July) The Highland Council Countryside Rangers will be leading a guided walk around part of the Wildcat Trail in Newtonmore looking for the plethora of wildflowers that grow along the bank of the River Spey. 

If you are looking for a relaxing way to finish your week why not join them at 9.30pm to search for a selection of orchids, alpine flowers and very small ferns and at the same time learn about some of the associated folklore.  You may be lucky and manage to spot other wildlife too.

The walk costs £5 adults or £3 for concessions. Please bring sturdy boots, waterproofs and midge repellent. Children must be accompanied by an adult. The meeting up point will be outside The Wildcat Centre on the Main Street Newtonmore at 9.30pm/

For more information please phone the rangers on 01479 873 706
The Countryside Rangers run many events and guided walks which aim to help raise awareness and encourage appreciation of the scenery, wildlife and heritage of the Highlands. A programme of Ranger Guided Walks and Events is on the council’s website at: http://www.highland.gov.uk/countrysiderangerevents.htm


2 Jul 2013