Charging for concessionary places on school transport

The Highland Council is introducing charging for concessionary places on school transport from the start of the new school session on 20 August.

This charge will apply where there are seats available on school transport contracts for pupils who do not qualify for free transport on the grounds of distance, road safety or additional support needs. It will also apply to pupils who have been granted placing requests to a school other than their catchment area school, and are receiving concessionary transport for all or part of their journey to/from school. It will not apply to pupils who are entitled to free school meals. As a result all pupils in receipt of free school meals in the session 2013-14 will be exempt.

The charge agreed is £1 per day which is equivalent to £190 per annum. Parents are being given the chance to pay in a number of ways, including over 12 months.

The deadline for confirming take up or retention of a concessionary place on transport is 31 July. This is required for paid-for seats and for free seats for children entitled to free school meals.

Refunds will not be made for days on which a pupil is off sick (unless in the case of a serious, long term illness) or chooses not to use the transport.

The decision to introduce the charge was made by the Council in February as part of its budget setting process.  Letters confirming introduction of the charges have been sent to parents affected by the change.

3 Jul 2013