Cabinet Secretary given assurances over community partnership working

Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary , Kenny MacAskill was given assurances today (Wednesday) at a meeting in Inverness that Highland agencies have responded effectively to the creation of a national police and fire services in terms of working together to effectively protect communities and respond to civil emergencies.

Senior representatives from The Highland Council, NHS Highland, Police Scotland , Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the Highlands and Islands Strategic Coordinating Group (HISCG) briefed Mr MacAskill on the major emergency and community resilience arrangements in place across the region.

Alistair Dodds, Chief Executive of The Highland Council and  Chairman of the multi-agency Highlands and Islands Strategic Co-ordinating Group led a wide ranging discussion, which  covered the multi agency led response to such events as the Inverness Eastgate Backpackers fire; loss of the subsea cable at Stromeferry and the challenges of managing the growing number of severe weather related incidents across the Highlands.  The most recent multi agency exercise and independent assessment  of the Exercise Lonestar nuclear response arrangements was  highlighted as best practice, with particularly good feedback on the warning and informing arrangements in place as part of The Highland Council off-site emergency plan.  

The Cabinet Secretary was also provided with an update on the community planning joint approach initiative and how this links in with the creation of single outcome agreements , community safety planning and the linking of Council Ward managers with local multi agency emergency liaison groups. 

Councillor Drew Hendry , Leader of The Highland Council said: “I am very pleased with the progress that the Council and our partners in NHS Highland , Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue service are making in continuing to deliver a high quality service to members of the public.   It was a good opportunity to advise the Cabinet Secretary of the good progress being made and to highlight so much good practice here in the Highlands and across our  Island communities.  The transition to the new national arrangements for Police and Fire are working well.”

Dr Ken Oates , NHS Highland said: “The drive to continued performance and service improvements through a joint approach to much of our service provision is very encouraging to see , and I am delighted that the Cabinet Secretary has shown interest in the progress we are making in the Highlands.    We have a strong and independently assessed set of multi agency arrangements for how we manage the response to major emergencies in the Highlands , built on good working relationships and high levels of community and voluntary engagement.” 

Chief Superintendent Julian Innes, Highlands and Islands Divisional Commander, Police Scotland,  said: “I am very pleased with the progress that we are making in introducing Police Scotland and the new national arrangements into the Highlands and Islands.   We continue to provide a high level of multi agency support in relation to the subject of major emergencies and local community planning.   Our improved engagement between Police Scotland Area Commanders with Highland Council ward managers and the continued development of local emergency planning and liaison groups  was highlighted to the Cabinet Secretary. Combining a strong local response with the advantages  that a single Police service across the country provide us , means that I can continue to be confident in the service we provide the communities of the Highlands and Islands.”

3 Jul 2013