Employment grant help Skye business burn bright

The Isle of Skye Candle Company has doubled its workforce after being awarded funding via The Highland Council’s Employment Grant scheme.
Supported through the European Social fund, and delivered by Business Gateway Highland, the grant aims to encourage companies with less than 250 employees to create new job opportunities for the unemployed.

Through a combination of one-to-one tailored advice from a Business Gateway recruitment adviser and a 26 or 52 week wage subsidy – jointly funded by the Highland Council and the European Social Fund - the grant makes it easier for local businesses to take on permanent, full-time employees.

And thanks to qualifying for two grants through the scheme, the Isle of Skye Candle Company, which was set up by James Robertson in 2007, increased its workforce two fold when Leona Watkins (19) and Iain Matthews (28), both from the Isle of Skye, started in March.

James said: “I’d initially contacted Business Gateway to find out more about employee contracts. Everyone goes into business hearing about employment tribunals and wants to ensure the contracts they offer cover all bases. But contracts aren’t easy to understand so being able to sit down with an expert adviser for free, who talked me through the process and made things a lot clearer, was beneficial.

“Because I was looking to take people on, my adviser said I may be eligible for the Employment Grant.  I was delighted when I found out I had qualified. Without the financial assistance given by the scheme and the advice from my adviser I would have had to think twice about how many people I took on and what hours I could offer them. Now thanks to the grant I have two new full-time employees who will be instrumental in helping me meet the growing demand for the candles.”

Emma Lawson, Recruitment Adviser, Business Gateway said: “For SMEs like The Isle of Skye Candle Company taking on staff can be daunting both financially and in general terms. What the Employment Grant provides is a financial cushion to those businesses that qualify and provides them with access to advice that helps them navigate, and understand, the often confusing amount of information that is out there on areas such as employment contracts, legislation and how to pick the right person for interview. James’s business is growing fast and he has great plans for the future so we are delighted that the Employment Grant, and our advice, has made it easier for him to create full-time positions for Leona and Iain who will help him work towards his goals.”
Launched in 2007, the Isle of Skye Candle Company hand pours soy wax scented candles that are stocked throughout the UK; and enjoyed by customers living as far away as Australia and Canada.

James said: “I started the business when I was 19 after spotting a gap in the market for soy wax, scented candles. I did a lot of research into candle manufacturing, waxes, wicks, scents etc. and spent the first few years perfecting our mix. The business initially grew organically but we undertook a re-brand in 2010 and started to attend trade fairs. Now we sell online and are stocked in over 100 UK retailers, producing over 1,000 candles each week and at Christmas our production increases by 400 per cent!”

To find out if your business is eligible for The Highland Council Employment Grant contact Business Gateway’s Recruitment Advisers: Emma Lawson on 07867 394347, emma.lawson@highland-opportunity.com or Marianne Ross on 07867 394346, marianne.ross@highland-opportunity.com 

4 Jul 2013