Volunteer walkers, cyclists or riders needed now for new Culloden path research project

Issued by the National Trust for Scotland

A new waymarked interpretive trail is being established following a 9km loop route around Culloden battlefield.  The trail is the innovative creation of a partnership consisting of the National Trust for Scotland, The Highland Council, Forestry Commission Scotland and Balloch Community Council.

The Scottish Government/LEADER-funded trail runs through historic sites (such as the Cumberland Stone) as well as the battlefield, plus local communities, fields and forests.

Katey Boal, Learning Manager for Culloden Battlefield explains: “This new trail will tie together sites which are a key part of Culloden’s history but which visitors might not otherwise find.  The trail is also of interest to local people as it connects several existing paths, whether you are using a section of the route as a handy, healthy everyday short-cut - or as part of the whole historic circuit.  Along the way interpretation aims to explain what happened to ordinary people in and around Culloden during and after the battle.  We hope many people will get out there and try it once our waymarking is in place after the opening on Saturday 17 August.” 

The Highland Council's Ward Members for Inverness South, Carolyn Caddick, Jim Crawford, Ken Gowans and Thomas Prag have supported the project with a £14,000 contribution from their ward discretionary fund in recognition of its benefits for local residents and visitors alike.

They are delighted with the new trail, which features modern interpretive benches made of oak, which provide rest points, as well as telling this important story.

The partnership is looking to select a group of local (or visiting) research volunteers willing to walk, cycle or ride the whole trail before its formal launch and feed back their opinions via a simple survey.

Volunteers will need to be available to do this between now and early August, and be prepared to complete and return a survey either in person, over the phone or by e-mail before August 7th.  If new to the trail, volunteers may also be asked what their expectations of the route are before using it, so if you fancy getting involved, please make contact before you walk the route.

All volunteers selected for the project will be invited to the celebration path opening event at Culloden Visitor Centre on Saturday 17 August .

For further details please contact Verity Walker or Catriona Munro at Interpretaction heritage consultants on 07747 317513 or by e-mailing raincoat@talk21.com as soon as possible - and no later than 29th July.

5 Jul 2013