Planning applications mark latest progress in Fort William primary schools replacement project

The £36.5 million programme of new primary schools for the Fort William area continues to move forward, with the submission of three planning applications and the preparation of tender documents for all three projects which will be issued to contractors by the end of this month.

The three projects are:-

• A joint campus building to accommodate an eight classroom school to replace Caol Primary School and a six classroom school combining the existing Fort William and Lochyside Roman Catholic Primary Schools along with the construction of a new Caol Community Centre building.  These will be built on the current Caol site and will involve the demolition of the existing community centre and school buildings;

• An eleven classroom school building with community facilities at Lundavra Road to replace the existing Fort William and Upper Achintore Primary Schools;

• A Gaelic Primary School with community facilities at Ardgour Road in Caol; the school will have four classrooms initially with the capacity to be extended by up to a further four classrooms if required.

Contractors are due to be appointed in December with construction work on each of the  projects anticipated to commence from March 2014 onwards. The new Caol Community Centre building will be handed over in late 2014 and the new Gaelic and Lundavra Road schools are due to open in August 2015. The joint campus building at Caol will open in February 2016 with the demolition and external works completed by May 2016.

Councillor Alasdair Christie, Chair, Adult and Children’s Services Committee, said: “The submission of the planning applications for the three new schools maintains the momentum in this exciting project.  Together with our £26 million commitment at Lochaber High School, Fort William and surrounding communities can look forward to a very bright educational future.”

9 Jul 2013