Community Transport proposals supported by Highland Council

The Highland Council has warmly welcomed the Capital and Infrastructure Committee’s report into community transport published last week.

Community Transport is a vital part of overall transport provision. It is particularly good at reaching the people and the localities which are not well served by other forms of transport.

Councillor Graham Phillips said: “The Highland Council currently supports 23 community transport projects.  We see this as a strategic transport issue and we are carrying out a review into the needs of the sector in our area, to build on what we already know.

“I am delighted to see that the Committee has taken all our evidence on board.  In particular, it has recommended a fund for the purchase and replacement of community transport vehicles and a central resource for advice and information. I urge the Scottish Government to adopt these recommendations. As a Council we are keen to work with Government to identify ways of providing more stable and long-term revenue funding for community transport organisations.”


9 Jul 2013