Ullapool High School team wins European Business Game

The ‘Squeasy Peasey’ team from Ullapool High School has won the European Business Game (EBG). Their proposed reusable baby food pouch company impressed the judges at the international final in the Faroe Islands on Friday (5 July).

The team – Shona Warwick, Shona Reeve, Annabel Stewart, Ruth Hamilton and Anna MacLeod – represented the whole of Scotland after winning the national final in April. The international final was a particularly tough competition with some great ideas from each of the participating countries.

It was the team’s innovative product and detailed proposal that saw them win the award. Their business pitch included market research, a three-year financial plan, and multi-lingual baby-food recipe videos on YouTube. The Czech Republic’s entry – a car wheel-changing device – came a very close second.

The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Service coordinates Highland participation in the European Business Game.  Councillor George Farlow, Vice-Chair of the Highland Council Planning, Environment and Development Committee said: “Congratulations to the Squeasy Peasey team on their fantastic achievement.

“We are really pleased to support the European Business Game. It gives students a valuable opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial and communication skills and to foster links with young people across Europe. In this way, it complements the Council’s wider work to equip young people with the skills and support to enter the world of work.

“We wish the team, and all those that took part, the very best in their future endeavours. I’m confident that their involvement in the scheme, and the transferable skills they have acquired from it, will stand them in good stead for their future careers.”

David Knight, Regional Development Officer for Sutherland, Highland Opportunity, and a member of the international judging panel, said: “The team members were fantastic ambassadors for Highland throughout the week. They took part in a variety of academic and industrial visits – in addition to some local entertainment. It was a brilliant experience for all involved.”

The European Business Game complements other enterprise initiatives run by the Highland Council Planning and Development Service that support young people into work in the Highlands. These include the Youth Trainee Scheme, Youth Employment Action Plan, Graduate Placement Programme and Employ Grants. For more information, visit http://www.highland.gov.uk/employgrants.htm.


9 Jul 2013