Council takes step forward for active travel to Inverness schools.

Four schools in the Inverness area have received endorsement from The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Area Committee for safer routes to schools projects.

Members have approved project applications for the Scottish Government’s Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets Funding (CWSS) totalling an estimated £52,040.

Projects at Foyers Primary (£4,170) and Glenurquhart Primary (£15,000) will focus on the instalment of cycle storage facilities.
Improvements to road lining and the school’s drop-off area at Kinmylies Primary (£7,870) are also included on the project list.

Subject to community council discussions the installation of a lights-controlled crossing on Slackbuie Avenue for the Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis and Inverness Royal Academy estimated at £25,000 will also be included.

Council Leader, Councillor Drew Hendry said: “The Council’s Programme will seek to further develop and accelerate alternative transport options for the city. This is especially relevant in the case of the carbon mitigation challenges that we face and specifically, this means a commitment to making cycling and walking easier on routes throughout the Highlands, but vitally across Inverness.”

3 Jun 2013