Health inequalities and substance abuse on agenda of Inverness West District Partnership meeting.

The Inverness West District Partnership is meeting in the Skinner Room, Merkinch Community Centre, Inverness on Friday 21 June at 10 am.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting, which is to be chaired by Highland Councillor Margaret Davidson.

The main issues for discussion are health inequalities and substance misuse. Merkinch is one of the areas within NHS Highland that consistently appear among the most health deprived and the least health improved across a number of measures.

There will be time for questions from members of the public towards the end of the meeting.

The Inverness West District Partnership is one of nine in The Highland Council area.  The Partnerships are considering issues relevant to a defined geographic and service delivery area covering both Integrated Children’s and Adult Services and are a key element of local engagement.

The Inverness West District Partnership geographically encompasses the associated school group areas of; Charleston Academy, Glen Urquhart High School, and Inverness High School.

Meetings are held four times a year. Minutes of previous meetings and the current agenda can be viewed on the Highland Council’s website.

For further information please contact Charles Stephen, Ward Manager on (01463) 785010.

Closing the Gap - Health Inequalities in Highland Sir Harry Burns - Presentation.

A preview of Sir Harry Burns' speech at the Closing the Gap health inequalities conference at Eden Court in Inverness on April 30th.



6 Jun 2013