Helpline number launched to offer support to parents concerned about police investigation

Issued by Poilice Scotland

POLICE launch a helpline to provide support and advice to families who are concerned about an investigation in Fort William in which a man has been charged under the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009.
Detective Chief Inspector Pamela Ross said: "We understand that parents and families may naturally be very concerned about the nature of this investigation.
"We have identified all the parents of children connected to this nursery and either have been or will be in touch with them.
"We have also established a number of support mechanisms together with partners and one of these is a helpline which is run by Children 1st. Call takers at Parentline Scotland are trained to provide advice and guidance and can refer callers or any relevant information on to Police or the appropriate agency to provide further support locally."
The helpline number is as follows: Parentline 0800 028 2233

There is also an email address which people can use: Email:
Anyone with any information regarding this enquiry or any particular concerns can also contact police on 101.

6 Jun 2013