Highland's Golden Opportunity

Tenants in Highland have a "golden opportunity" to improve their housing if they choose to vote for community ownership.

Communities Minister Malcolm Chisholm said there were clear lessons from the six areas in Scotland which have already voted to transfer landlords from the council to a new housing association.

Addressing a housing conference in Edinburgh, he said:

"Community ownership is already delivering a better deal for tenants who choose this option in terms of better homes, stable rents and more say for tenants.

"That's not just my opinion; it's also the opinion of Audit Scotland in its report on this issue.

"Over the coming months we shall see tenant ballots in Highland, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire and Stirling. These transfers can bring substantial investment to often disadvantaged areas - levels of investment which are unlikely to be delivered if the houses remain in council ownership.

"My message to the tenants in these four areas is clear - transfer is a major opportunity to improve your housing conditions, to bring you more certainty on affordable rents and to give you more say in the way your estates are managed.

"Communities Scotland will ensure that your new landlord provides a high quality housing service and listens to your views.

"Don't be misled by suggestions that you'll get the same package if you remain with the council. This simply is not possible. If you are uncertain or have concerns, speak to your independent tenant adviser.

"I am confident that these new landlords can deliver for you and your families. I would urge you to follow the example of the tenants in Glasgow, Scottish Borders, Dumfries and Galloway and Argyll & Bute and don't let this opportunity pass you by.

Mr Chisholm said the Community Ownership policy represented a change from days when tenants effectively 'had things done to them or for them' by their landlord.

New housing associations created by transfers were directly accountable to the tenants in a way not envisaged a generation ago and Communities Scotland acting as regulator made sure they kept their promises in full.

He said:

"This all presents a number of not-to-be-missed opportunities. As well as empowering tenants to be at the heart of the decision making process, the tenants will benefit from a proper level of investment in the housing stock and their housing management and repairs services will be properly funded.

"The magic word here of course is tenants - that's what we are about and that is where we will direct our resources.

"Transfer is also an opportunity for a fresh start. Without the burden of having to service the council's historic housing debt, a new housing focused organisation can invest more of tenants' rents in providing modern, energy efficient homes.

"Transfer is a golden opportunity to increase tenant involvement in policies and decisions relating to the delivery of the housing service.

"This isn't just about tenants being asked for their views, important as that is.

"It's about tenants having a place and a voice at the highest level in these organisations, making strategic decisions about investment priorities and policy decisions about the type of service they want to provide for their communities

"Community Ownership has already transformed the daily lives of thousands of people giving them decent, modern homes that they want to live in and a say in their housing - and their future"


Contact: Chris Holme 0131 244 2952

5 Jun 2006