Interesting buildings needed for Highland Doors Open Days

The organisers of this year’s Highland Doors Open Days programme are inviting people with interesting buildings to join the event which gives the public a special glimpse behind their doors.  

The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Service, which co-ordinates the Highland programme, is looking to extend the number of venues taking part in the event as it has been so popular with local people and visitors in previous years.

Doors Open Days is a Scotland-wide annual event which spotlights interesting buildings which are not normally open or fully accessible to the general public.  The list of places currently taking part ranges from historic churches to state-of-the-art modern buildings. 

Some buildings are only open to the public during Door Opens Days, whilst others use the event as a chance to let people “see behind the scenes” or enjoy specially-organised tours or events.  Admission to Doors Open Days venues must be free of charge but charges can be made for any optional specially-organised events or tours etc.  

Councillor Thomas Prag, Chair of Planning, Environment and Development Committee at The Highland Council, said: “The Council recognises the value of the built environment for the Highlands’ heritage, culture and architecture and this is a great opportunity for the owners of interesting buildings – new or old, public or private, working or residential – to let the public see inside them. There are many ‘hidden gems’ across the Highlands, and the public have a real taste for having a peek inside. This is a once-a-year opportunity to show them off!”

Participation in Highland Doors Open Days – including listings in the event brochure, website and local and national publicity – is completely free of charge. Anyone interested in finding out more should contact Rowan Tree Consulting who are organising the event on behalf of the Highland Council, email, tel. 01463 715225. For more information about Doors Open Days, please visit


13 Jun 2013