Highland archaeological sites and stories wanted for Archaeology Festival

Organisers of the twentieth Highland Archaeology Festival are looking for more contributors to share their interesting sites and stories at this autumn’s Festival.

Plans for this year’s festival are now underway and organisers are hoping for a bumper programme of Highland-wide events to mark its twentieth year. They are looking for people and organisations that haven’t previously run events for the Festival but are keen to share their sites, stories or artefacts. Organisers are also interested in hearing about their historical buildings, music, poems and crafts.

The Festival is coordinated by The Highland Council’s Historic Environment Team with the Planning and Development Service. Its aim is to enable communities to participate in, and benefit from, their heritage. It covers everything from early prehistory to more recent histories such as military remains of World War II.

Events are free or chargeable, and can be aimed at the general public or at specific groups such as children and families. Promoting an event in the Highland Archaeology Festival – including listings in the event brochure, website and local and national publicity – is completely free of charge.

Councillor Thomas Prag, Chair of the Council’s Planning, Environment and Development Committee said: “The Highland Archaeology Festival is an excellent event and this is a great opportunity to share your interesting archaeological sites, stories or activities with lots of people. There’s already a fantastic network of local event-organisers who provide brilliant walks, talks and special events for the Festival but we are always on the lookout for new ideas for local people and visitors to enjoy. Feedback from previous years has shown us that people who attend the Festival really appreciate the opportunity to learn more about, and get involved in, the rich historic environment of the Highlands.”

Anyone interested in finding out more should contact Rowan Tree Consulting who are organising the event on behalf of The Highland Council, email: helen@rowan-tree-consulting.co.uk, or tel 01463 715225.


20 Jun 2013