'Scoopy Doo' Campaign - Pupil collars a prize for school.

Issued on behalf of: Alness Community Partnership – “Actively working together to enhance the quality of life for all those living in Alness”.

Pupils of an Alness Primary School were delighted this week when they found out their class mate had won an Alness-wide competition.

Amy Clifford, from Bridgend Primary School won a design competition being run by the Alness Community Partnership as part of their ‘Scoopy Doo’ campaign using humour to encourage local dog owners to clean up after their pets. 

Amy’s winning poster design means her whole class will enjoy a trip to the Black Isle Wildlife Park.  And Amy also gets a robotic pet as a prize.

The second and third prizes went to David Jones and Kelsea Laing of Coulhill Primary School.

The Alness Community Partnership decided to take the lead in tackling dog mess as it became obvious it was one of the community’s biggest nuisances.

Judge Audrey Duffus said that it was difficult to choose just one winning design. She said: “Everyone that took part put a great deal of work into their posters.  There are some novel ideas shown on how to get dog owners to clean up after their dogs.  Maybe that will give us some more ideas for the future.”

The winning design will be turned into a poster which will be displayed across Alness to get the message across. All the entries will be displayed in the town’s Averon Leisure Centre until this Saturday 10th June.

As well as the poster competition the Alness Community Partnership has successfully erected another ten dog bins around the town at locations suggested by members of residents’ groups.

On Saturday the campaign’s mascot – ‘Scoopy Doo’ will be handing out free poop scoop bags on Alness High Street to encourage people to clean up their dog’s mess.


For further information please contact: Helen Houston: 01349 883005

6 Jun 2006