Eilean a’ Cheò Ward Forum to focus on health agenda

The next meeting of The Highland Council’s Eilean a’ Cheo Ward Forum on Monday 18 March will focus on the requirements for future provision of health and social care across Skye, Lochalsh and South West Ross.

Discussion will consider provision of a single site facility to include in-patient and community resources.  Dr Paul Davidson, Clinical Director for NHS Highland’s North and West operational unit and Kate Earnshaw, NHS District Manager for Skye, Lochalsh and Wester Ross will lead on the item.

Ian Murray, Chief Executive of Highlife Highland will also attend the Forum to give an overview of the work of the organisation since it was set up by the Council 18 months ago, along with examples of new work being piloted across the Highlands.

Representatives from the Police and the Fire and Rescue Service will be present to give an update on service changes.

The Forum is chaired by Councillor Drew Millar and discussion will follow the presentations involving Forum members, with Community Council Chairs representing the community view.

Councillor Millar said:  “I am delighted that community representatives are embracing the new style Forum agenda on Skye and together we are working with elected members and partner agencies toward community planning being really effective on the island.”

There will be time set aside at the end of the meeting to take questions from the floor and to address any public questions to the Forum.  Public questions should be advised in advance of the Forum in writing in order that informed responses can be given at the meeting.

The Ward Forum will take place on Monday 18 March from 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm in the Council Chamber, Tigh na Sgire, Portree.  Members of the public are welcome to attend.

4 Mar 2013