£3.8 million funding for affordable housing welcomed in Highland

The Highland Council has this week received £3.8 million of funding from the Scottish Government towards new affordable housing.  This is part of a £40 million distribution of funding to local councils in Scotland for new social homes.

The news has been warmly welcomed by Councillor Dave Fallows, Chairman of the Finance Housing and Resources Committee, who says the boost will keep the Council on track to provide much-needed affordable homes for a growing population and boost the local construction industry at a time of recession.

Councillor Fallows said: “The Council is committed to helping deliver 5,000 new homes in the Highlands by 2017 and this includes 670 Council houses and other affordable homes.

“We have and are in the process of delivering 257 new affordable homes and the latest Scottish Government funding will keep us on line to meet our target.”

6 Mar 2013