Increased police presence is key priority for Inverness city centre action plan

An increased daytime police presence is a priority for making Inverness city centre an even safer place.  This is a key action to emerge from weekly meetings between The Highland Council, Northern Constabulary, the Inverness Community Safety Partnership and Inverness Business Improvement District to tackle anti-social behaviour and ensure the city centre looks at its best, free of litter.

Area police commander, Chief Inspector Graeme Murdoch, said: “Following a range of recent discussions, there is a real commitment from Northern Constabulary and its key partners to work together to address issues that affect the city centre environment, particularly during daytime hours. Co-ordinated by the Inverness Community Safety Partnership, the key players will meet regularly to share information, identify problems and task resources jointly to solve issues as they arise. The Partnership sees this approach as a natural extension of Operation Respect which has operated successfully over the festive period for several years.

 “We will target additional police resources into the city centre to address specific problems and to provide extra visibility. This approach is not just about reducing crime and the more obvious antisocial behaviour. The overall strategy will look at issues such as littering, licensing matters and even measures such as lighting and other physical crime prevention opportunities to improve the city centre environment and allow residents, businesses and visitors to have confidence and a real sense of pride in the city centre environment."

Councillor Ian Brown, Leader of the City of Inverness Area Committee, said: “Tackling anti-social behaviour and keeping our streets clean is a priority for the Council and tangible steps are being taken to  reinforce the message that Inverness is not only a top visitor attraction but it is a safe and clean place to live, visit and do business in.”

Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Drew Hendry, added: “It is great to see all the key agencies getting behind the plan of action for Inverness city centre.  A clean safe city centre is crucial for Inverness and for the prosperity of the Highlands.”

BID Manager, Mike Smith said “We are delighted with this focus on the city centre.  It is good to see the agencies addressing the issues which affect the users of and businesses in the city centre.  We also look forward to early implementation of the allied programme of redirecting funds currently spent on temporary accommodation to providing finance for purpose built accommodation.”

7 Mar 2013