Alcohol Overprovision; what do you think?

Issued by NHS Highland

The Alcohol and Drug Partnership and NHS Highland are conducting a public survey into the availability and purchase of alcohol in Highland.

The information gathered will be used to develop a statement to the Highland Alcohol Licensing Board about the provision of alcohol with a view to bring about changes to the way licenses are granted.

NHS Director of Public Health, Dr Margaret Somerville, said: “We know that 50 per cent of men and 30 per cent of women regularly drink over the sensible drinking guidelines, placing them at risk of being involved in accidents, experiencing family break-ups, or of developing cancer or liver disease.”

Within the last 20 years, the cost of alcohol has decreased and as a result has created a number of health and social problems impacting on individuals, communities and services.

Margaret continued: “There are many reasons why alcohol is good for Highland communities; it provides steady work and income for many families, attracts tourists to the region and is one of the largest exports of our country.”

We ask for your help in completing this short questionnaire.  The closing date for submissions will be Monday, March 18.

8 Mar 2013