Funded training opportunities in traditional building skills

Further information on Dingwall CARS

Highland crafts people, tradesmen and apprentices are being offered the chance to apply for funded training opportunities to give them the skills to carry out maintenance and repair work on traditional buildings.

The training is organised and sponsored by the Dingwall Conservation Area Grant Scheme (CARS), a regeneration project focussed on the repair of traditional buildings and shop fronts on Dingwall High Street.  The scheme, launched in 2011, is funded by Historic Scotland, the Highland LEADER programme and The Highland Council and runs until 2016.

Dingwall CARS Project Officer Una Lee said:  “By providing funded training we are giving local contractors and crafts people the chance to refresh or develop new skills which makes them better qualified when it comes to bidding for restoration work, particularly projects qualifying for grants from Historic Scotland and the Heritage Lottery Fund. The training will be very hands-on with courses covering masonry and the use of lime, roofing and joinery skills. At the moment we are asking for people to express an interest so arrangements can be made as all the training will take place at the Scottish Lime Centre Trust near Dunfermline.”

Dingwall CARS will pay all tuition fees for up to 30 trainees and three separate courses will be offered which will include a 2 day course on masonry and the use of lime, a 2 day course on the repair of traditional roofs including slating and leadwork and a 1 day course on joinery skills for traditional sash and case windows.

Full information is available from the Highland Council website.

Anyone interested in securing a place or finding out more about the courses should contact Una Lee before Friday 22 March by telephoning 01349 868485, 07557 480846 or emailing


12 Mar 2013